Tuesday, October 5, 2010


will be the THIRD time I have attempted to post a second post on this freaking website.  I´m sorry its taken me so long and I really have a lot to talk about its just that every time I finish and hit publish post for some reason it denys my request.  But since everyone has been blowing up my facebook I figured it was time I took another shot at it!  I´m jsut going to warn everyone this is a months worth of information so I suggest you take a bathroom break, maybe get a snack? Before you start reading this.

I´ll start from the begining of my trip and hopefully post enough pictures and things for everyone who reads this to be happy! 
The first picture is of where the Parliment of Santander is held (Santander is the Capital of Catabria) and is located in a plaza that me and my friends usually meet at at night when we are trying to go out and have fun.
When I first got to Santander and got settled in the next two days mi amigos y yo took a trip around the city, which I really enjoyed.  Santander has great beaches and views and since it is on the water and the shopping district is on the water it really does make for some great pictures.

(yes I realize my finger is in this picture but I like the boats so...)

So at the end of the second tour, our group went to get Churros, which is a big deal here especially during siesta hours from like 1:30-4 where literally everything closes down.  The idea is to buy a plate of Churros with your friends (like 3-4 people) and buy an individual cup of hot chocolate.  EXCEPT the hot chocolate is the consistancy of melted hersey kisses.  So while you still have Churros you dip them but after they are gone your suppost to just drink the rest.  Lets just say no one was able to finish it and we all left feeling like we needed to throw up... or take a siesta to sleep off the suger.

All in all the food here has been... an adventure.  I told dad that for breakfast all I ate were cookies... and the sad thing is its completely true.  I go to the gym in the morning but its hard for me to workout hard because all I have is suger to make me workout and after about 30 min. I´m completely burned out!  Luckly the food during the rest of the day is better.  Usually I´ll eat a soup a plate of like cured ham or sausage and then a plate of some sort of carbs (which Spanish people are really into) all with a huge thing of bread (aka pan) which I love because you buy it every day and its super fresh.  This is my breakfast and then an amazing meal I had on Sunday (when my madre usually goes big... its chicken with potatos, carrots, onion, peppers, and peas it was AMAZING)
(like I said cookies with chocolate milk... talk about a starting your day on the right foot!)

Usually after I eat I go to the gym.  I´ve made friends with Franz, the guy that is the ¨monator¨ which is like a mix between someone who tells you what to do, cleans equipment and checks people in, and a spotter because there isnt a verb for ¨spotting¨ in spanish.  You just ask Franz for help.  The gym is small and hot but I´m actually starting to like it and it makes me feel better, like I´m not that far from the USA.  Also people here think I´m like some sort of legand, not because how I work out but they are constantly asking me if I take this suppliment or that suppliment or what gyms are like in the USA.

School has offically started for me (I´m actually done with one of my classes already, it was only two weeks) and the weather has gotten a little colder here.  The last few days have been in the mid to low 60´s which is pretty average here unfortunatly.  BUT before school started me and mi amigos spent a lot of time at the beaches here.  And yes they were topless.

If you look hard on this one there is a pier in the very back.  We jumped off of it into FREEZING cold water but it was a lot of fun.  The water was fridged but since it was about 75-80 outside it was all good

Ok the last pictures for the day, and for this post, is of the view of the park below my school.  If any of yall have looked up my address on google maps you´ll see the university has a huge wierd looking park underneath it.  Well this is what it looks like standing on a ledge above the park.  The silver dome to the right is the University of Catabria´s sports center where they play basketball and handball and other sports.  Behind that, is the Santander Racing Football Club´s stadium.  In Spain, they have three leagues for football A, B and C.  At the end of each year the highest two teams in Premier League B get moved to Premier League A and the worst two teams of A get moved to B.  This forces owners to work hard to keep there teams good so they wont lose tv sponcers and other stuff.  Racing is in its second year of Premier League A so everyone here is crazy about them.

I´m going to post another blog either tomorrow or the next day before I leave for Barcelona with pictures of my day trip and maybe a few of my casa and my madra so you can see more where I live exactly.  I hope yall enjoyed this and let me know if I need to talk about anything else!


  1. Ah this looks like so much fun! I'm glad you finally got to post! It made me laugh out load hahahah YOU'RE A LEGEND!!?!?!? ..if they think you're a legend they should see me. (oh wait.)

    I MISS YOU SO MUCH! the Churros look delicious. Keep up the good work with the blogging. You're hilarous. I want to give you a hug. I MISS YOUUUUUUUUUU. can't wait to see barcelona! LOVE YOU!

  2. MARKKKKKKKK! this post made me SO INSANELY JEALOUS! I wanna come visit you so bad! everything looks amazing! I cant believe your actually living in a place thats that gorgeous! I cant wait until we travel together and visit crazy places! I wish I could just buy a plane ticket and surprise you! the part about you being a legend made me crack up! Um duh, I cant believe they didn't know your name BEFORE you moved there! Cant wait to read more! I MISS YOU SO MUCH and LOVE YOU ALOT! think of me while your living the dream!

    <3 Lindy

  3. Yay!! You blogged!! I love looking at all your pictures and can't wait to come see you! Love you and miss you!! xoxoxo


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